Monday, November 5, 2007

The maiden voyage

Today I took my new wheels out for the first time.  VERY EXCITING.  Sweetie suggested I go for a test drive before driving to the airport later this week to pick up my mother.  I drove to the gigantic health food store about 15 minutes north of here.  It was like a religious experience for me.  A car and a giant health food store.

Quick! Close the shutters!

This morning, Sweetie reported to me that there was a giant dust cloud headed down the road toward us.  "You might want to close the shutters," he said.  Seeing as how I could actually SEE the dust cloud on our relatively low-resolution security monitor, I took his advice.  

We were trying to figure out what caused it and then saw that "street cleaners" had a leaf blower to consolidate trash and this was actually instead creating a HUGE dust cloud.  Again, a typical example of good Israeli intentions gone awry...

One thing I love about Israel
Israel has a fabulous variety of fruit.  You can get starfruit, dragon fruit, persimmons, Noni fruit, tiny little pears, clementines, figs, mangoes, guava, passionfruit, pomagranate, quince, and a million other things when they're in their respective season.  It's really amazing.  Sometimes I have a hard time limiting myself because I want to eat them all every day!

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