Friday, August 17, 2007

Vegetarian Rant

I will need to be restrained if I hear another person say that they're a vegetarian, "but I eat fish" IF YOU EAT FISH, you are NOT A VEGETARIAN.

Wikipedia official definition of "vegetarianism": "Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming the flesh of any animal (including sea animals)." Vegetarian posers: please note the "INCLUDING SEA ANIMALS" part.

It just really irks me when people say that they're a vegetarian when they are clearly not. I'm not a vegetarian activist and I don't care if people eat meat in front of me. But PUH-LEASE, if you eat sea creatures, don't call yourself a flipping vegetarian. You're a PESCETARIAN. And if you just sometimes eat meat or fish, you're neither a vegetarian nor a pescetarian. You're a FLEXITARIAN.

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