Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Worth Its Weight in Gold

Sweetie's sister arrived for a visit yesterday and the one thing he asked her to bring was Weetabix cereal. The reason? Well, it costs approximately $9 per box here. I am not exaggerating. It's actually $9.16 per box, to be precise. I'm not sure why anyone would want to eat something with a consistency somewhere between balsa wood and styrofoam, and that congeals so hard and solidly that it would rival duct tape as an adhesive. But Sweetie really loves his Weetabix. So, his sister brought mass quantities of it, basically paying for her plane ticket in the money we've saved on Weetabix. Bless her.


VegetableJ said...

Wow, your blog is looking lovely in green! And all the photos. I love it! Only thing is I can't read the type in the header. I wonder if you would consider changing to a white or light-coloured font to make it easier?

Shredded Wheat was my cereal love as a kid. Just like Weetabix only in a pillow rather than a cushion shape. I absolutely loved the way it could stand up to a good wetting down with milk and still be chewy. It wasn't loaded down with sugar and artificial flavour like most of the rest. And since it wasn't that popular with the rest of the kids in the family there would usually be some left in the box.I loved the beautiful blond wheat colour. And when I chewed it I imagined I was a horse or cow eating healthy hay. I was one of those kids in love with horses, all the more for never having one.

I can certainly understand Weetabix love. Since I now know I have allergies to both milk and wheat, it can only be a memory. Tant pis.

Cha-chan said...

Thank you for the great feedback! I really do appreciate it and have changed the header color -- I hope it's an improvement -- if not, let me know:-)

Thank you for sharing your lovely Shredded Wheat memory:-)