Friday, April 11, 2008

Peace and Quiet

Sweetie is upstairs napping before our Friday pilgrimage to the gym, so I'm using this time to write a post.  I wanted desperately to nap, but the two thousand-billion decibel level of the children's party (probably about a mile away, but it might as well be in the living room) was disrupting my efforts to join Sweetie in blissful sleep.  

Yes, it's Friday late afternoon/early evening, it's April, it's children's birthday party season again.  No children's birthday party in Israel is complete without
professional entertainment, usually a man, equipped with a really loud sound system that will blare not only his voice, but also every irritating techno beat known to mankind.  They tend to last from 1600-1900.

I have determined that whenever we buy a permanent dwelling for us to live in, it should be surrounded by many acres of land.  Either that, or be thoroughly soundproofed.

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