Monday, February 8, 2010

Where Am I?

Nothing like a trip to the local mall to remind me where I am living.

I avoid the local mall at all costs, and I don't think Sweetie has even been there once.

But, I needed to get a tiny little battery at Radio Shack. There was quite a line when I got there, but there's always a line, so I decided to just suck it up and wait.

And wait.

And listen to the man in front of me fighting very loudly with his S.O. on his cell phone.

And listen some more.

And more.

And then make a desperate face at a normalish-looking man who was wheeling around a baby in a stroller and debating whether he could handle waiting in line as well. He bailed.

And I listened some more. And of course the two people at the two cash registers were BOTH buying cell phones that needed to be activated. Which means I listened to the guy in front of me fighting on the phone with his S.O. (may I remind you --- LOUDLY) for a very long time.

These are the moments that really make me wonder, How the heck did I end up living here? It must be even more mind-boggling for Sweetie, because this isn't even his country.

After living in places as cosmopolitan as Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Washington DC..... Most of the time I try to look on the bright side. No traffic. A 10-minute commute. Ummmm.....I'm thinking......I'm sure there are other things. Cheap food. No decent restaurants or stores to tempt us into spending money (of course there's the flipside that we're not actually making much money either).

But sometimes, I do wonder how we ended up here.

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