Thursday, October 1, 2009

What ARE you doing?

This is what Sweetie said to me the other day.  I knew he was going to ask.  It's not everyday that you see someone boiling strawberries and rasberries and then setting them out to dry on the counter.   

I read about this method of keeping berries fresh and mold-free for longer in the New York Times.  I read that parboiling them could not only stunt or prevent mold growth, but actually REMOVE moldy bits.  And I needed a miracle, as roughly half the box of rasberries I had bought the day before was moldy.  

Definitely the boiling seemed to freshen up some of the berries.  But the clumped masses encrusted in mold, sadly remained....clumped masses encrusted in mold.  But, the boiling definitely seemed to improve the flavor, remarkably! 

Try it sometime!

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