Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today's photo is of a wildebeast in Ngala Private Reserve. I am very grateful now that I did not delete it because it was "blurry," because in fact, it's a really cool picture. Sometimes, you just don't know. Believe it or not -- I did virtually no Photoshopping on this. I believe in taking photos properly in the camera. Which is why I have ordered the $75 Photoshop Elements with my new laptop, as opposed to the $700 full Photoshop version. Get it right the first time and save money.

Well, the dreaded moving day has passed without much incident, though with international moves, you always wonder if that will be the last time you see your stuff, particularly in this part of the world (Second Lebanon War resulted in a re-routing of my crates when I moved here two years ago). The movers came and packed up the house in about 8 hours and as there were only three of them, it was actually pretty manageable. Hooray.

Question though: why do movers always leave little random items in your drawers and on the shelves? It always happens and it is clearly deliberate, as the items are left in plain view. Maybe they feel like having some control over the process. They feel like they need authority. So, they silently state that they see no reason why I should be taking items such as 1) A New Zealand coin 2) A disposable razor or most-interestingly 3) Pieces of surgical-grade tape for a backless/strapless bra.

Fine, they're all going into air freight.


Junko said...

that is very good photo. that is great effecting to camera shake. that was made wild animal power , I think.

vegetablej said...

The photo is very like a watercolour painting, full of soft washes and movement. Very nice!