Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hooray for Healthcare

Praise the Lord. I am so pleased that the healthcare bill passed. I don't really care what might be wrong with it. There will always be something wrong with such a bill. But what's right is so much more important. That we will no longer be a country that thinks it is acceptable to leave 32 million people (my mom and a colleague among them) uninsured.

It's quite possible that my taxes or premiums could go up. Even on my pathetic salary. But, maybe I will no longer have to make career or life decisions based on healthcare coverage. And if I have to pay a little bit more so that others can have health insurance, then so be it.

Thank you, President Obama.

1 comment:

vegetablej said...

Amen. I'm so happy for you all. Hope it goes smoothly and soon you are all covered. This will be what he's remembered for.
