Monday, April 6, 2009

Make up your mind

This is a stylized photo that I took while in California last month.  We haven't had great weather for picture taking here lately.  In fact, we've been having typical Midwest weather lately.   Sweetie thought spring had solidly arrived, but I knew better.  I remember May blizzards in Ohio.  So, it did not surprise me that we have snow forecast for tomorrow.

What did surprise me was the siren that I faintly heard while cooking this afternoon at home.  Sweetie and I both noticed it, I turned off the stovetop fan, and confirmed that it was an emergency siren, and said to Sweetie, "We must go downstairs.  Now.  Right now."  

I knew that it had to be a tornado siren, and once we hunkered down and turned on a radio, we found out that indeed it was.  

So, we spent part of our evening debating the relative merits of a particular corner of the "tea room" vs. the "office" closet.  We requisitioned my exercise mat for cover.  And I managed to clean up my mess from a tea presentation yesterday at the college.  So, all in all, a rather productive and instructive 30 minutes of so.  

And thankfully, we did not have to assume the position!  


vegetablej said...


I wonder what that position is? Is it like the crash postion in an airplane?

How scary that you live in tornado country. (Happy you are having green teas, though.)

Take care, you guys!

Cha-chan said...

I think when we were in elementary school, it was "Indian style," covering your head with your hands. Depending on one's age and flexibility, that might not always be possible! But the key is to get down low and cover your head.

Speaking of tea, I had three college students over today for tea in the tea room. It was so great to sit on the tatami, to boil water in the kettle, and to hear the sounds of my tabi socks sliding across the carpet! Sweetie came down after taking the girls back to the college and had a bowl too. He could tell I didn't want to leave that "space":-)