Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Driving in Nazareth

Driving in Nazareth is an exercise in chaos theory.  Last time Sweetie and I went to Nazareth, it was on a Saturday, and we vowed never to do that again.  Everybody and their brother are out driving in Nazareth on Saturday.  Well, guess what, we found ourselves in Nazareth yet again on a Saturday.  And there I was, driving my pristine luxury sedan through mass chaos.  Cars shooting out with no warning, people opening car doors on the side of the street without even glancing to see if a car is coming, bumper to bumper traffic and cars darting out of side streets while cars are attempting to cross past them from the main road.  Pure chaos.  And then add me -- darting back into traffic on the main road after realizing I had started to make an incorrect right turn (among other things).  It was a miracle we didn't have an accident.  Well, it was Nazareth after all, I suppose!

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