Monday, July 2, 2007

Sicily -- June 19, lazy day

Temperatures of 40 C were predicted, so we planned to stay in (little did we know that the heat wave would continue for a week, with temps ultimately hitting 46). The staff all know of my suitcase saga all too well, and I finally started calling Al Italia myself. They told me my bag arrived in Palermo in the morning, so I only hope it will get to me before they launch it onto another tour of Europe. Unfortunately my $100 new wardrobe hasn't stood up so well, as the
"Club Med" sandals (ironic, considering our search in the car for "Club Med" on Day 1) I bought for 5 Euro also have bit the dust. I was walking to the pool and suddenly the left one felt much looser....kinda like what happened with my shirt. Anyway, I was just grateful no one was at the pool because I'm sure the next thing to go will be the 8 Euro swimsuit I bought.

Sweetie and I braintstormed means of revenge against Al Italia in the afternoon. None of our ideas are publishable, however.

Calanica had a much-hyped BBQ in the evening. Only problem was that it started about 45 minutes late. It was worth the wait however, as they had an exciting and new (and more extensive) collection of salads (very key for the vegetarian). And once the BBQ got going, they had fish, meat, octopus, etc. There was also a dessert buffet with lots of yummy things.

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