Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Today, Sweetie and I drove about 25 minutes south of our house to a lake where we heard cranes had been hanging out the past week or so.  I wasn't sure they would still be there.  It was bitterly cold, but sunny, and after driving cluelessly around a state park that we had never been to before, we finally found what appeared to be the "mud flats" that people who had seen the cranes had referred to.  

So, we got out of the car, and Sweetie stopped and said, "Listen."  We heard birds.  And they weren't geese.  We walked down a short path.  And heard more birds.  Then I looked up.  And saw them.  Hundreds.  They were flying into the mudflats for the night.  They kept coming.  There were about 1,000 in all.  It's very good luck in Japan to see cranes on New Year's Day.  

It was incredible!!!

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