Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Blog Challenge question

Stationery. When you touch the paper, your heart melts. The ink flows from the pen. What was your stationery find of the year?

Ummm....stationery? What's that? Doesn't everybody just use email these days?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blog Challenge

I just read about and joined a Blog Challenge where bloggers like me answer a different question for each day of December. Today's is:

Shop. Online or offline, where did you spend most of your mad money this year?

EASY. It's just so easy to buy things on Amazon. We all know have to navigate the site. Everything is clear. There are no nasty crowds. I find shopping in our little town very unpleasant, for various reasons, most of which if I explained them, you would think I was uncaring and elitist.

So, I'll leave it at that.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Further Tales of Family Christmas Decorating Moments

Sweetie and I have absolutely NO lights on the outside of our house. We are clearly the Grinches on the block. Our next door neighbor said he and his wife only had two fights while decorating the mailbox.

Speaking of outside decorations, my dad used to do an amazing job with the lights on the outside of the house. It was the best decorated house on the block!! So one fine spring day when it was time to take down the lights, Dad was taking the lights off by the living room windows when Mom came home and drove in the garage and heard a "crunch, crunch, crackle, crackle" sound. Not realizing what it was, she put the car in reverse and heard some more "crunch, crunch, crackle, crackle" sound but not as much. She then looked over to the sidewalk by the front door and saw Dad with his jaw dropped down to his chest and realized by his expression that she had just run over most of his Christmas lights. She wisely decided she had not finished running her errands, said same to him and got the "heck out of Dodge." She really could not help laughing - without him seeing - as she thought "Well, whatever I did not run over the first time, I think I certainly got when I put it in reverse."